Friday, November 20, 2009

Nathan Ricks Video

This is one of the best movies that I've ever seen on how to build your business.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Big Weekend Event

“I’d rather have ten distributors at a big weekend function that have a hundred distributors sitting at home.”
- Peter Cox

The erudite and sophisticated world of the Lloyds of London has one thing in common with the sleazy, flashy world of Las Vegas casinos. They both deal with numbers. What are the odds? In the case of Lloyds of London it is all about insurance. In the case of Las Vegas it is all about winning a bet.

If Lloyds of London or a Las Vegas odds maker were called in to rate your chances of success in network marketing, where would they start? The answer? It’s all simply a case of mathematics. As the cliché says, “numbers don’t lie.” They would be looking for the number of networking. Not opinion. Not the psychology behind the numbers. Not theory.

The numbers.

Their questions would likely be, “Who has already succeeded and what did they do that can be measured?” Of course, as I have already pointed out, one of the first hard facts that would confront them is that the greater the number of tapes selling in a given organization, the faster it grows. And the second hard fact that would confront them is that greatest leap in new distributorship and product sales volume occurs with in a 90 day period following a big weekend function.

If you listen to more than one tape you are likely to start hearing about the importance of the big weekend rallies, hosted by network marketing leaders. There is hardly a single network marketing leaders in the English-speaking world who doesn’t point to one of those big rallies as the turning point in his or her business.

Why? Mass psychology? Who knows? There is a typical routine to most of these big weekend extravaganzas. There is often a rock band or some musical group to kick it off. In the United State, Ronald Reagan was one a favorite speaker on the circuit. And there has always been an endless list of “positive, motivational speakers.” The bread and butter of such events are the testimonials of the most successful distributors. It is here that one can learn the most.

“After the first year in the business my work shifted to promoting major events.” says international networking stat, Peter Ross. “I knew that if I could get my distributors there, everything else would eventually fall into line.”

The odd-maker from Las Vegas wouldn’t care why the big events work. He would only look at the numbers and if the numbers said that sales and new distributor growth always followed the conventions, he would fix the rule to help determine who would be successful and who would not. If you sat at home, complaining about how manipulative, or trite, or what an insult to your intelligence such seminars and rallies are, he would tilt the odds against you. And he would be right.

Is it possible to build the business without cassette tapes and without those periodic, mindless, marathon weekends where unprofessional speakers hold forth on the secrets to their success? Perhaps. It may even be possible to build a business without a telephone, or paper, or pens. Maybe it could be built with one hand tied behind your back. Or better yet, wearing a blindfold. The question is why would you want to do that? The object is to have the numbers working for you and not against you. The object is to make it work, as easily and quickly as possible.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Network Marketing-It's an Asset, Not a Job by Robert Kiyosaki

I am sometimes asked, "Why do so few people make it to the top of their network marketing system?"

The truth is, the top of the network marketing system is open to everyone-unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach the top of the company. The reason most people do not reach the top is simply because they quit too soon. So why would someone quit short of the top?

Most people join only to make money. If they don't make money in the first few months or years, they become discouraged and quit (and then often bad-mouth the industry!). Others quit and go looking for a company with a better compensation plan. But joining to make a few quick dollars is not the reason to get into the business.

The Two Essential Reasons to Join a Network Marketing Business

Reason number one is to help yourself. Reason number two is to help others. If you join for only one of these two reasons, then the system will not work for you.

Reason number one, means that you come to the business primarily to change quadrants-to change from the E (Employee) or the S (Self-employed) quadrant to the B (Business owner) or I (Investor) quadrant.

This change is normally very difficult for most people-because of money. The true E or S quadrant person will not work unless it is for money. This is also what causes people to not reach the top of the network marketing system: they want money more than they want to change quadrants.

A B quadrant or I quadrant person will also work for money, but in a different way. The B quadrant person works to build or create an asset-in this case, a business system. The I quadrant person invests in the asset or the system.

The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you do not really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business.

As a B or an I, sometimes you don't get paid for years; this, a true E quadrant or S quadrant person will not do. It's not part of their core values. Risk and delayed gratification disturb them emotionally.

Delayed Gratification and Emotional Intelligence

One of the beauties of network marketing is that it focuses on developing your emotional intelligence as well as your business skills.

Emotional intelligence is an entirely different matter from academic intelligence. In general, someone with high emotional intelligence will often do better than someone with high academic intelligence but low emotional intelligence. That explains, in part, why some people do well in school but not so well in the real world.

The ability to delay gratification is a sign of higher emotional intelligence. In a recent study of emotional intelligence, it was found that people who could delay gratification often led more successful lives than those who could not.

This is why the educational system inherent in a good network marketing opportunity is so important. It's the emotional education or emotional intelligence aspect of their programs that I find so valuable for people.

Many people write me and tell me they loved my book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but I fear that many of them don't get the most important point of the book: Lesson #1, "The rich don't work for money."

Once I have built or bought an asset, that asset works hard to make money for me. But I will not work for money-I will work only to build or buy assets. Those assets make me richer and richer, while I work less and less. That is what the rich do. The poor and middle class work hard for money, and then buy liabilities instead of investing in assets.

What Kind of Asset is a Network Marketing Business?

Remember, there are two reasons required to be successful in network marketing: to help yourself, and to help others. Reason number one means helping yourself get to the B side of the quadrant. What about reason number two

The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you don't really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S
quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business

If you only want to teach yourself to be a B quadrant and I quadrant person, then a true network marketing system won't work for you. You may as well go to a traditional business school, which focuses only on your becoming a B quadrant person.

The beauty of a network marketing business is that your goal is to create assets, which are other B's working under you-and their job is to create other B's working under them. In traditional business, the focus is for the B to have only E's and S's working for them.

The type of business I was taught to build is a business with me at the top and E's and S's at the base. I really don't have room at the top for many other B's, which is why in my businesses, I strongly recommend that all my employees look into network marketing as their own part-time businesses.

The traditional corporate system really is a pyramid, because there are a few B's and I's near the top, and more E's and S's at the base. A network marketing system is a reverse pyramid: its primary focus is to bring up more and more B's to the top.

One type of pyramid, the traditional type, has its base on the ground; the other type has its base in the air. It's a pyramid that pulls you up instead of pushing you down. A network marketing business gives everyone access to what used to be the domain only of the rich.

This passage is excerpted by permission from The Business School for People Who Like Helping People, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, with Sharon Lechter, CPA, authors of Rich Dad, Poor Dad."

Get start call by Tommy Johnson

Get start calls are one of the 4 most important things that we do in our Xango business. It is so important to get somebody started the right way and to make sure that they quickly get started building their Xango business. All of us should be very familiar with how to do this so that we can help build leaders in our group. Here is a recorded call by our leader Tommy Johnson that we should all listen to several times.
Recorded Get Start Conference Call with Tommy Johnson
You are invited to a recorded conference call hosted by
Cathy Kalos, Premier
Tommy Johnson, 200K

Conference Call Invite Details

Subject: Tommy Johnson Get Start
Duration: 45 Minutes


Free Conference Call
Play Back Number: (218)339-2599
Access Code: 448343#

When prompted to enter the access code. Once Confirmed, the system will play back the recorded conference. During playback, the user can scroll the play back in forward or backwards. You will find the play back features below.

Playback Feature Keys

* 1 Rewind 30 Seconds

* 2 Fast Forward 30 Seconds

* 3 Pause/Resume Playback

Friday, November 6, 2009

How to Capitalize Your Business Without Money

“People will seemingly do anything for recognition. We were that way as infants and it never stops.”
- Leonie Harris

During as speaking tour of Eastern Europe I was escorted into a large hall that had once served a meeting place for the workers of nearby coal mines. On the wall of the vestibule was a long line of large golden-framed photographs of “the miners of the year.” They wore stern faces, with determination in their eyes. And I was reminded of that famous business adage, “Men will work for recognition, as well as money.”

This is not just a capitalist notion. It is not a concept that works with some groups of people and not with others. It is a principle of human nature. Psychologists teach that “recognition of peers” is one of the basic psychological necessities of life. We must have it. One way or another, we will get it.

One of the secrets to building a network is to “capitalize” your business with recognition. That is, to generously and effectively use recognition as a means for rewarding and promoting your new distributors. It’s like passing out money.

Let me explain. People will work for money, they will work for recognition. It is against the law for you to buy an offset printing press and go into your basement to produce counterfeit money. But there is not law against buying an offset printing press and going into your basement to produce recognition. You can “pay” or motivate people to work simply by the things that you say to them and do for them.

You can start by learning the names of your distributors and their families. Dale Carnegie in his classic How To Win Friends and Influence People spends a whole chapter teaching that “the most beautiful sound in the world is the sound of someone saying your name.” During presentations use lots of names.

To learn really how to give recognition to someone, you have to listen. Get your distributors talking about themselves. Ask questions. They all have something they can point to with pride. It may be their education, their profession, their home, a popular relative, somewhere they’ve traveled, some characteristic of their personality, “no one works harder than Mary,” a war record, some achievement in sports or business. Don’t give up. Everyone has something.

Grade school teachers can tell you that dealing with 20 students is easier than dealing with three. With a group there is peer pressure and that persistent desire for recognition of peers. As the leader of a growing network you are going to have the power and credibility to pass out this recognition. In this case, you will be the teacher, the arbitrator, the one in charge. Your distributors will work hard to hear their name mentioned in front of others. Some will never miss a meeting just to hear you say, “Mark over here is a banker,” or “Jim has the fastest growing group in our organization.”

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Making a List, Checking it Twice

“As soon as those names are written down on a piece of paper, the subconscious is going to go to work, trying to figure out how to get them into your network.”

- Angie Ross

The first thing your “sponsor” is likely to do is to get you to write down a list of prospects, people who might be interested in the idea of building a network. The value in such a list is obvious. And writing it down is an easy thing to do. Every sales organization teaches it. Angie Ross, master networking teacher, says that it may be the single most important and practical step one can take in launching a new networking business.

And yet people still assume that they can keep their list of prospects in their head.

Successful distributors all agree: write the names down on a piece of paper. All kinds of things start happening. Names trigger more names. When you rehearse your sales or recruitment ideas with one face in mind another suddenly pops up. It might work for that other person as well.

Your list is probably your most important business tool. It’s your ready reference, a resource you can always carry with you. And if you want your upline’s help, you’ll need to reviews the names on your list with them. Your list helps you and them visualize your sphere of influence, and a good list is a signal to your upline that you’re someone with whom they ought to be working.

Two things worth remembering: First, the bigger your list, the bigger your potential business. Second, if someone you know isn’t on your list and isn’t approached by you, he or she will probably soon be on someone else’s list.

The hard work is developing the words and thoughts that will sell your network. The easy part is running it by numbers of people, letting them say “yes” or “no.” Would you spend the money and time to develop the machinery to manufacture ball point pens and then produce only five pens? If you have gone to all of the trouble to develop your idea, make sure you can run it by dozens of people. In this case, traffic is the name of the game.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"They've taped the Secrets" by Doug Wead

“After interviews with thousand of leaders and research into hundreds of networks, one comes to this conclusion: The rate of growth is directly related to the number of teaching and motivational tapes their distributors move.”
- Mitch Sala

Let’s take the Pelican Principle one step further. The easiest and most effective way to import “hunter pelicans” is through the distribution of cassette tapes. Tapes help define the networking industry and teach people how to build an organization. Tapes inspire home and thus provide some of the “group support” which is part of the formula.

Of course, bringing in your own mentor in the flesh is much better. If he or she happens to be the very one who recruited you into the business, your “hunter pelican” is probably anxious to help anyway. But if he or she is someone further back in your recruitment lineage and someone who is really talented, that person’s schedule may not always be open.

There are also expenses to consider. There may be airline tickets, motel rooms, and meals. Presumably, your coach is going to make some money off this enterprise. You want that. If not, the partnership won’t last very long anyway. Even so, the price of bringing him or her into your city costs somebody something. For the price of an airline ticket alone one could buy a hundred cassette tapes. Just stop and consider what that means.

First, cassette tapes provide the knowledge you need to have to be successful in your business. Don’t be naïve. People haven’t built billion dollar sales organizations accidentally. As unorganized and amateur as the world of network marketing may appear to a professional real estate agent or insurance salesman, this unique industry has its own set of rules. As in any other enterprise, some things work, others don’t. And it’s the odd rules, the one that you don’t follow because they don’t make sense to you, that will cost you. A constant flow of tapes will keep you attuned to the changing nuances of the recruitment and network building process. Secondly, cassettes provide the inspiration to keep you going. Now keep in mind, most of the tapes supplied from the networks themselves are amateur stuff. A speaker may contradict himself in the middle of the same sentence. Good. This is probably just the kind of material you want. Remember, you are not trying to learn how to be a professional speaker but rather how to build your network. You want “hunter pelicans” to teach you their way. You may have to work a little to determine what they are trying to say, sometimes you may have to read between the lines, but this is raw, amateur, stream-of consciousness material is exactly what you need.
Sometimes the material includes inspiring rags-to-riches stories. Others presume “to teach.” But even a poor speech keeps you linked to the spirit and attitude of the hunter pelican flock. More about the importance of that later.

And finally, cassette tapes are the best way to delegate the work of building a network. There are tapes to prospect new recruits. Is she a doctor? There is tape for her. Is he a flight attendant? There is another tape that will inspire him. There are tapes to sell them on your business. Tapes to teach them how to recruit others. Tapes to troubleshoot particular problems. Tapes that will double the sales of a particular product your network is selling. There are even tapes to teach about the importance of tapes.

The point is this. Hundreds of cassettes can do much more to build your network than you could ever do one-on-one by yourself. While you’re sleeping, they are still recruiting. While you’re at your job working all day, they are out there teaching your newly-recruited distributors how to build their own networks. Used wisely, one inexpensive cassette can teach hundreds of different people. Don’t give it away, loan it to a friend and then go get it back. Keep recycling the tape through the neighborhood or among friends and new people you meet. Eventually, somebody will say, “That’s interesting, tell me more.” Now you’ve got somebody ready for your second tape.

Mitch Sala used exactly this formula to build an international network of almost a hundred thousand distributors. “Stay busy,” he advises. “Don’t stop and hover over your prospects to see if they are going to ‘hatch.’ Let the cassettes do their job.”

Of course, some people will ignore your tapes. But you guessed it. There are even cassette tapes to teach you how to get them to listen. Where do you all of these wonderful “worker bee” cassette tapes? Most networking businesses have catalogs available or can recommend companies that sell them. If they don’t you probably have the wrong company. Building a network will be tedious and slow one-on-one business.

At this point, let me add a word of caution. In some parts of the world, motivational tape sales are discourages for legal reasons. There are countries in which information of any kind is carefully controlled by the government. In other cases, the network marketing industry is new and still defining itself. The concern is that large network marketers are making their money off tape sales, rather than the products that the company is publicly announcing for sale.

And secondly, in some countries laws prohibit a network from selling tape to its own distributors because regulators feel that is violates restraint of trade laws. To put it in layman language, they are concerned that you have a closes market, that you have a “monopoly” on sales to your own network. Good grief, you say. I build the network. Others can sell tapes to it but I cannot? Thankfully, the government agencies in most countries agree with you, but if you are in a country that prohibits sales, don’t pout about it. There are outside companies that will sell you tapes. Leave the world of politics and government regulation to others. Stay focused. You want to build a network. And cassette tapes are the quickest way.